So Tree will be home on Sunday (though I might end up meeting him in MA if the baby comes early!!), exciting, right? Well, I'm excited. I haven't had a good night's sleep in two weeks, nor have I eaten a decent dinner. For the past three nights I have had soy hot dogs. Now I'm so sick of them that I think they are ruined for me forever (joins root beer and black olives). But I literally can't bring myself to try making something else. I can make pasta and sauce, but that's about it really. I'd be like the worst housewife ever - like Peg on Married With Children. Good thing Tree (mostly) doesn't mind doing all the cooking.
What am I good at? Bullshitting, spending money, and making impulsive decisions. I'm actually supergood at these things. Also good at planning (though not so good at executing, hence the impulsive decisions).
But it's ok! Tree sends checks out for the bills and buys groceries, and I make sure we have awesome throw pillows and plenty of orchids. I can talk my way out of any problem/issue we are faced with and Tree reminds me of the value of being nice. Then sometimes he's too nice and I have to kick some ass. He agonizes and procrastinates and talks and talks and talks about doing something and then one day while he's at work I just do it without telling him. He's grounded and more rational but I keep things interesting (and way fun... mostly). He takes the cats to the vet/groomer as needed and I feed (wild) ducks and geese out on the lake (the cats adore him and kind of just tolerate me). He cleans the litter box and I do all the laundry (I even pair all his socks). I spontaneously spent $240 on my new haircut when he left for AT, and he asked me if it was ok to spend $89 to buy us a lawnmower.
It's kind of fucked up but hey, it works.
I laugh because its pretty much Erik and I. I would not spend that much on hair cut however. I am the tight wad of the house. Personally I would like to be call Czar Megan from now on....
You spent HOW much on a haircut???
This is why Tree will bever really be my future 3rd ex-husband. You two are Yin & balance each other perfectly. I miss you guys!
Truthfully, I didn't intend to spend that much. I just wanted a cut (took 7 inches off) and my roots retouched... but she talked me into high lights... and low lights... and some hair products... and then there I was signing my credit card receipt and crying inside. But oh well, you can't take it with you, right?
Yeahhhh the price shocked me a little, too. But it's all good. I miss you guys too! Hopefully I will be home this weekend (if my sister has the baby), otherwise they will induce her next weekend, so then I'll be home at that time instead. Driving/flying back and forth all the time wears me out. :/
no worries. Im not judging you on you incredibly expensive haircut!
If so I would open myself up to soo much scorn for the things i've done. So yeah I dont judge, just noting that other than that we are freakily similar...
Wait I bet you don't like hanging out with too many people because they require too much from you....
I know i dont like too.
Have fun at the concert!
I think it is a wonderful balance.You guys complete one another. Imagine if you both were into everything? that would definitely cause conflicts and money issues. I can cook and enjoy doing so but I know Doug LOVES cooking so I tell him go for it. And I'll just relax. lol I never spent no more than 10$ on a hair cut, but I manage to spend 23$ on Arcturus's hair cut and his 1yrs.old. Of course it was not by choice really I figured it would be 5$ to trim and shave a kid's head. Boy was I ever wrong. I am glad you two are doing good. =)
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